Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Sheep with Attitude

This illustration was painted for Illustration Friday's topic of the week, "wool". It has a sheep that wants to wear his wool as a wonderfully colorful sweater to stand apart from the flock! It was painted in gouache on paper with pen & ink on top.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Happy Cupid: "Storm of Love"

This Illustration was painted with a dual purpose in mind, to use as a Valentines Card to send out to family and friends as well as for Illustration Friday's word of the week "Storm".  I painted in gouache paint, using some dry brush techniques to highlight the curves of the body and wings and then finished with a fine point pen doing some outlining and shading. In creating this image of a happy cupid sitting on a cloud, I was inspired by happy Buddha statues from around the world. Taking the word storm and turning it on its head to have a positive meaning, happiness - like a fresh spring rain.

Inspired by a smiling Buddha that is at a temple on Koh Samui Island in Thailand; a beautiful place that I am always inspired by and would love to travel to one day! I wanted to create a cupid that looked posed in a happy gesture, like this Buddha; spreading love throughout the world with his hearts, instead of the iconic cupid aiming an arrow that is commonly seen. It was a very fun project! 

Happy Valentine's everyone ~ Be Happy!